:mod:`dxpy` Package =================== This Python 2.7 package includes three key modules: * :mod:`dxpy.bindings`: Contains useful Pythonic bindings for interacting with remote objects via the DNAnexus API server. For convenience, this is automatically imported directly into the namespace under :mod:`dxpy` when :mod:`dxpy` is imported. * :mod:`dxpy.api`: Contains low-level wrappers that can be called directly to make the respective API calls to the API server. * :mod:`dxpy.exceptions`: Contains exceptions used in the other :mod:`dxpy` modules. It has the following external dependencies: * :mod:`requests`: To install on Linux, use ``sudo pip install requests``. Other installation options can be found at http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/install * :mod:`futures`: To install on Linux, use ``sudo pip install futures``. Other installation options can be found at http://code.google.com/p/pythonfutures/ Package Configuration --------------------- .. automodule:: dxpy :members: :undoc-members: