:mod:`dxpy.bindings` Module --------------------------- Documentation on classes and methods: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 dxpy_bindings dxpy_functions dxpy_dxproject dxpy_dxrecord dxpy_dxfile dxpy_apps dxpy_search This module contains useful Python bindings for calling API methods on the DNAnexus Platform. Data objects (such as records, files, and applets) are represented locally by a handler that inherits from the abstract class :class:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject`. This abstract base class supports functionality common to all of the data object classes--for example, setting properties and types, as well as cloning the object to a different project, moving it to a different folder in the same project, or removing the object from a project. .. note:: While this documentation will largely refer to data containers as simply "projects", both project and container IDs can generally be provided as input and will be returned as output anywhere a "project" is expected, except in methods of the :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxproject.DXProject` class specifically or where otherwise noted. .. rubric:: Object and Project IDs A remote handler for a data object has two IDs associated with it: one ID representing the underlying data and a project ID to indicate which project's copy it represents. (If not explicitly specified for a particular handler, the project defaults to the default data container.) The ID of a data object remains the same when it is moved within a project or cloned to another project. The project ID is **only** relevant when using certain metadata fields that are tied to a particular project. These are the name, properties, and tags fields, and are read and updated using the following methods: :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.describe` ("name", "properties", and "tags" fields), :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.rename`, :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.get_properties`, :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.set_properties`, :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.add_tags`, :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.remove_tags`. .. rubric:: Creating new handlers and remote objects To access a preexisting object, a remote handler for that class can be set up via two methods: the constructor or the :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.set_ids` method. For example:: # Provide ID in constructor dxFileHandle = DXFile("file-1234") # Provide no ID initially, then call set_ids() dxOtherFH = DXFile() dxOtherFH.set_ids("file-4321") Neither of these methods perform API calls; they merely set the local state of the remote file handler. The object ID and project ID stored in the handler can be overwritten with subsequent calls to :meth:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.set_ids`. The object handler ``__init__`` methods do not create new remote objects; they only initialize whatever local state the handler needs. Creation of a new remote object can be performed using the method :meth:`dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject.new`. In each subclass of :class:`~dxpy.bindings.DXDataObject` the method can take class-specific arguments, for example:: newDXFileHandle = DXFile() newDXFileHandle.new(media_type="application/json") Some of the classes provide additional functions that are shorthand for some of these common use cases. For instance, :func:`dxpy.bindings.dxfile_functions.open_dxfile` opens a preexisting file, and :func:`dxpy.bindings.dxfile_functions.new_dxfile` creates a new file and opens it for writing. Both of those methods return a remote object handler on which additional methods can be called. In addition, class-specific handlers provide extra functionality for their respective classes. For example, :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxfile.DXFile` provides functionality for reading, writing, downloading, and uploading files. Though not explicitly documented in each method as such, all methods that interact with the API server may raise the exception :exc:`dxpy.exceptions.DXAPIError`. .. rubric:: Thread safety :mod:`dxpy.bindings` are designed for single threaded use, however, it is possible to use multiple threads on different bindings. For example, using two threads to modify an applet is not allowed, but using two threads to download two different files is allowed. Note that the Python multiprocessing library, in its default process pool mode, is incompatible with dxpy. In order to use that library, please employ the thread pool instead.