Source code for dxpy.bindings.dxapp

# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 DNAnexus, Inc.
# This file is part of dx-toolkit (DNAnexus platform client libraries).
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
#   use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
#   of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.

DXApp Handler

Apps allow for application logic to be distributed to users in the
system, and they allow for analyses to be run in a reproducible and
composable way.

Apps extend the functionality of applets to require input/output
specifications as well as to allow for versioning, collaborative
development, and policies for billing and data access. Similarly to
applets, apps can be run by calling their
:meth:`` method.

Unlike applets, apps are not data objects and do not live in projects.
Instead, they share a single global namespace. An app may have multiple
different versions (e.g. "1.0.0", "1.0.1", etc.) associated with a
single name (which is of the form "app-APPNAME"). A particular version
of an app may be identified in two ways, either by specifying a
combination of its name and a version (or a *tag*), or by specifying its
unique identifier.

Each app has a list of developers, which are the users that are
authorized to publish new versions of an app; perform administrative
tasks, such as assigning categories, and attaching new tags to versions
of the app; and add or remove other developers. When the first version
of an app with a given name is created, the creating user initially
becomes the sole developer of the app.


from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division, absolute_import

import dxpy
from . import DXObject, DXExecutable, DXJob, verify_string_dxid
from ..exceptions import DXError
from ..compat import basestring

# DXApp #

_app_required_keys = ['name', 'title', 'summary', 'dxapi', 'openSource',
                      'httpsApp', 'version', 'inputSpec', 'outputSpec', 'runSpec',
                      'developers', 'authorizedUsers', 'regionalOptions']

# These are optional keys for apps, not sure what to do with them
_app_optional_keys = ['details', 'categories', 'access', 'ignoreReuse', 'treeTurnaroundTimeThreshold']

_app_describe_output_keys = []

_app_cleanup_keys = ['name', 'title', 'summary', 'dxapi', 'openSource',
                     'version', 'runSpec', 'developers', 'authorizedUsers']

[docs]class DXApp(DXObject, DXExecutable): ''' Remote app object handler. ''' _class = "app" def __init__(self, dxid=None, name=None, alias=None): DXObject.__init__(self) if dxid is not None or name is not None: self.set_id(dxid=dxid, name=name, alias=alias)
[docs] def set_id(self, dxid=None, name=None, alias=None): ''' :param dxid: App ID :type dxid: string :param name: App name :type name: string :param alias: App version or tag :type alias: string :raises: :exc:`~dxpy.exceptions.DXError` if *dxid* and some other input are both given or if neither *dxid* nor *name* are given Discards the currently stored ID and associates the handler with the requested parameters. Note that if *dxid* is given, the other fields should not be given, and if *name* is given, *alias* has default value "default". ''' self._dxid = None self._name = None self._alias = None if dxid is not None: if name is not None or alias is not None: raise DXError("Did not expect name or alias to be given if dxid is given") verify_string_dxid(dxid, self._class) self._dxid = dxid elif name is not None: self._name = name if not isinstance(name, basestring): raise DXError("App name needs to be a string: %r" % (name,)) if alias is not None: if not isinstance(alias, basestring): raise DXError("App alias needs to be a string: %r" % (alias,)) self._alias = alias else: self._alias = 'default'
[docs] def get_id(self): ''' :returns: Object ID of associated app :rtype: string Returns the object ID of the app that the handler is currently associated with. ''' if self._dxid is not None: return self._dxid else: return 'app-' + self._name + '/' + self._alias
[docs] def new(self, **kwargs): ''' :param initializeFrom: ID of an existing app object from which to initialize the app :type initializeFrom: string :param applet: ID of the applet that the app will be created from :type applet: string :param name: Name of the app (inherits from *initializeFrom* if possible) :type name: string :param title: Title or brand name of the app (optional) :type title: string :param summary: A short description of the app (optional) :type summary: string :param description: An extended description of the app (optional) :type description: string :param details: Arbitrary JSON to be associated with the app (optional) :type details: dict or list :param version: Version number :type version: string :param bill_to: ID of the user or organization who will own the app and be billed for its space usage (optional if an app with this name already exists) :type bill_to: string :param access: Access specification (optional) :type access: dict :param resources: Specifies what is to be put into the app's resources container. Must be a string containing a project ID, or a list containing object IDs. (optional) :type resources: string or list .. note:: It is highly recommended that the higher-level module :mod:`dxpy.app_builder` or (preferably) its frontend `dx build --create-app <>`_ be used instead for app creation. Creates an app with the given parameters by using the specified applet or app as a base and overriding its attributes. See the API documentation for the `/app/new <>`_ method for more info. Exactly one of *initializeFrom* and *applet* must be provided. The app is only available to its developers until :meth:`publish()` is called, and is not run until :meth:`run()` is called. ''' #TODO: add support for regionalOptions (and deprecate top-level applet and resources) dx_hash = {} if 'applet' not in kwargs and 'initializeFrom' not in kwargs: raise DXError("%s: One of the keyword arguments %s and %s is required" % (self.__class__.__name__, 'applet', 'initializeFrom')) for field in ['version']: if field not in kwargs: raise DXError("%s: Keyword argument %s is required" % (self.__class__.__name__, field)) dx_hash[field] = kwargs[field] del kwargs[field] for field in 'initializeFrom', 'applet', 'name', 'title', 'summary', 'description', 'billing', 'access', 'resources': if field in kwargs: dx_hash[field] = kwargs[field] del kwargs[field] if "bill_to" in kwargs: dx_hash['billTo'] = kwargs['bill_to'] del kwargs["bill_to"] resp = dxpy.api.app_new(dx_hash, **kwargs) self.set_id(dxid=resp["id"])
[docs] def describe(self, fields=None, **kwargs): ''' :param fields: Hash where the keys are field names that should be returned, and values should be set to True (default is that all fields are returned) :type fields: dict :returns: Description of the remote app object :rtype: dict Returns a dict with a description of the app. The result includes the key-value pairs as specified in the API documentation for the `/app-xxxx/describe <>`_ method. ''' describe_input = {} if fields: describe_input['fields'] = fields if self._dxid is not None: self._desc = dxpy.api.app_describe(self._dxid, input_params=describe_input, **kwargs) else: self._desc = dxpy.api.app_describe('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, input_params=describe_input, **kwargs) return self._desc
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): ''' :param applet: ID of the applet to replace the app's contents with :type applet: string :param details: Metadata to store with the app (optional) :type details: dict or list :param access: Access specification (optional) :type access: dict :param resources: Specifies what is to be put into the app's resources container. Must be a string containing a project ID, or a list containing object IDs. (optional) :type resources: string or list Updates the parameters of an existing app. See the API documentation for the `/app/update <>`_ method for more info. The current user must be a developer of the app. ''' updates = {} for field in 'applet', 'billing', 'access', 'resources', 'details': if field in kwargs: updates[field] = kwargs[field] del kwargs[field] if self._dxid is not None: resp = dxpy.api.app_update(self._dxid, input_params=updates, **kwargs) else: resp = dxpy.api.app_update('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, input_params=updates, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_tags(self, tags, **kwargs): """ :param tags: Tags to add to the app :type tags: array Adds the specified application name tags (aliases) to this app. The current user must be a developer of the app. """ if self._dxid is not None: return dxpy.api.app_add_tags(self._dxid, input_params={"tags": tags}, **kwargs) else: return dxpy.api.app_add_tags('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, input_params={"tags": tags}, **kwargs)
[docs] def addTags(self, tags, **kwargs): """ .. deprecated:: 0.72.0 Use :meth:`add_tags()` instead. """ return self.add_tags(tags, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove_tags(self, tags, **kwargs): """ :param tags: Tags to remove from the app :type tags: array Removes the specified application name tags (aliases) from this app, so that it is no longer addressable by those aliases. The current user must be a developer of the app. """ if self._dxid is not None: return dxpy.api.app_remove_tags(self._dxid, input_params={"tags": tags}, **kwargs) else: return dxpy.api.app_remove_tags('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, input_params={"tags": tags}, **kwargs)
[docs] def removeTags(self, tags, **kwargs): """ .. deprecated:: 0.72.0 Use :meth:`remove_tags()` instead. """ return self.remove_tags(tags, **kwargs)
[docs] def install(self, **kwargs): """ Installs the app in the current user's account. """ if self._dxid is not None: return dxpy.api.app_install(self._dxid, **kwargs) else: return dxpy.api.app_install('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, **kwargs)
[docs] def uninstall(self, **kwargs): """ Uninstalls the app from the current user's account. """ if self._dxid is not None: return dxpy.api.app_uninstall(self._dxid, **kwargs) else: return dxpy.api.app_uninstall('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ :returns: Full specification of the remote app object :rtype: dict Returns the contents of the app. The result includes the key-value pairs as specified in the API documentation for the `/app-xxxx/get <>`_ method. """ if self._dxid is not None: return dxpy.api.app_get(self._dxid, **kwargs) else: return dxpy.api.app_get('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, **kwargs)
[docs] def publish(self, **kwargs): """ Publishes the app, so all users can find it on the platform. The current user must be a developer of the app. """ if self._dxid is not None: return dxpy.api.app_publish(self._dxid, **kwargs) else: return dxpy.api.app_publish('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, **kwargs): """ Removes this app object from the platform. The current user must be a developer of the app. """ if self._dxid is not None: return dxpy.api.app_delete(self._dxid, **kwargs) else: return dxpy.api.app_delete('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, **kwargs)
def _run_impl(self, run_input, **kwargs): if self._dxid is not None: return DXJob(dxpy.api.app_run(self._dxid, input_params=run_input, **kwargs)["id"]) else: return DXJob(dxpy.api.app_run('app-' + self._name, alias=self._alias, input_params=run_input, **kwargs)["id"]) def _get_run_input(self, executable_input, **kwargs): return DXExecutable._get_run_input_fields_for_applet(executable_input, **kwargs) def _get_required_keys(self): return _app_required_keys def _get_optional_keys(self): return _app_optional_keys def _get_describe_output_keys(self): return _app_describe_output_keys def _get_cleanup_keys(self): return _app_cleanup_keys
[docs] def run(self, app_input, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new job that executes the function "main" of this app with the given input *app_input*. See :meth:`` for the available args. """ # Rename app_input to preserve API compatibility when calling # return super(DXApp, self).run(app_input, *args, **kwargs)