Source code for dxpy.bindings.dxapplet

# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 DNAnexus, Inc.
# This file is part of dx-toolkit (DNAnexus platform client libraries).
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
#   use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
#   of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#   under the License.

DXApplet Handler

Applets are data objects that store application logic, including
specifications for executing it, and (optionally) input and output
signatures. They can be run by calling the :func:`` method.


from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division, absolute_import

import dxpy
from . import DXDataObject, DXJob
from ..utils import merge
from ..utils.resolver import is_project_id
from ..system_requirements import SystemRequirementsDict
from ..exceptions import DXError
from ..compat import basestring

[docs]class DXExecutable: '''Methods in :class:`!DXExecutable` are used by :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxapp.DXApp`, :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxapplet.DXApplet`, :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxworkflow.DXWorkflow`, and :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxworkflow.DXGlobalWorkflow` ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("This class is a mix-in. Use DXApp or DXApplet instead.") @staticmethod def _get_run_input_common_fields(executable_input, **kwargs): ''' Takes the same arguments as the run method. Creates an input hash for the /executable-xxxx/run method, translating ONLY the fields that can be handled uniformly across all executables: project, folder, name, tags, properties, details, depends_on, allow_ssh, debug, delay_workspace_destruction, ignore_reuse, and extra_args. ''' project = kwargs.get('project') or dxpy.WORKSPACE_ID run_input = {"input": executable_input} for arg in ['folder', 'name', 'tags', 'properties', 'details']: if kwargs.get(arg) is not None: run_input[arg] = kwargs[arg] if kwargs.get('instance_type') is not None or kwargs.get('cluster_spec') is not None or kwargs.get('fpga_driver') is not None: instance_type_srd = SystemRequirementsDict.from_instance_type(kwargs.get('instance_type')) cluster_spec_srd = SystemRequirementsDict(kwargs.get('cluster_spec')) fpga_driver_srd = SystemRequirementsDict(kwargs.get('fpga_driver')) run_input["systemRequirements"] = (instance_type_srd + cluster_spec_srd + fpga_driver_srd).as_dict() if kwargs.get('system_requirements') is not None: run_input["systemRequirements"] = kwargs.get('system_requirements') if kwargs.get('system_requirements_by_executable') is not None: run_input["systemRequirementsByExecutable"] = kwargs.get('system_requirements_by_executable') if kwargs.get('depends_on') is not None: run_input["dependsOn"] = [] if isinstance(kwargs['depends_on'], list): for item in kwargs['depends_on']: if isinstance(item, DXJob) or isinstance(item, DXDataObject): if item.get_id() is None: raise DXError('A dxpy handler given in depends_on does not have an ID set') run_input["dependsOn"].append(item.get_id()) elif isinstance(item, basestring): run_input['dependsOn'].append(item) else: raise DXError('Expected elements of depends_on to only be either instances of DXJob or DXDataObject, or strings') else: raise DXError('Expected depends_on field to be a list') if kwargs.get('delay_workspace_destruction') is not None: run_input["delayWorkspaceDestruction"] = kwargs['delay_workspace_destruction'] if kwargs.get('allow_ssh') is not None: run_input["allowSSH"] = kwargs['allow_ssh'] if kwargs.get('debug') is not None: run_input["debug"] = kwargs['debug'] if kwargs.get('priority') is not None: run_input["priority"] = kwargs['priority'] if kwargs.get('ignore_reuse') is not None: run_input["ignoreReuse"] = kwargs['ignore_reuse'] if dxpy.JOB_ID is None or (kwargs.get('detach') is True and project is not None and is_project_id(project)): run_input["project"] = project if kwargs.get('extra_args') is not None: merge(run_input, kwargs['extra_args']) if kwargs.get('detach') is not None: run_input["detach"] = kwargs['detach'] if kwargs.get('cost_limit') is not None: run_input["costLimit"] = kwargs['cost_limit'] if kwargs.get('rank') is not None: run_input["rank"] = kwargs['rank'] if kwargs.get('max_tree_spot_wait_time') is not None: run_input["maxTreeSpotWaitTime"] = kwargs['max_tree_spot_wait_time'] if kwargs.get('max_job_spot_wait_time') is not None: run_input["maxJobSpotWaitTime"] = kwargs['max_job_spot_wait_time'] if kwargs.get('detailed_job_metrics') is not None: run_input["detailedJobMetrics"] = kwargs['detailed_job_metrics'] preserve_job_outputs = kwargs.get('preserve_job_outputs') if preserve_job_outputs is not None and preserve_job_outputs != False: run_input["preserveJobOutputs"] = {} if preserve_job_outputs == True else preserve_job_outputs return run_input @staticmethod def _get_run_input_fields_for_applet(executable_input, **kwargs): ''' Takes the same arguments as the run method. Creates an input hash for the /applet-xxxx/run method. ''' # Although it says "for_applet", this is factored out of # DXApplet because apps currently use the same mechanism for unsupported_arg in ['stage_instance_types', 'stage_folders', 'rerun_stages', 'ignore_reuse_stages']: if kwargs.get(unsupported_arg): raise DXError(unsupported_arg + ' is not supported for applets (only workflows)') run_input = DXExecutable._get_run_input_common_fields(executable_input, **kwargs) if kwargs.get('head_job_on_demand') is not None: run_input["headJobOnDemand"] = kwargs['head_job_on_demand'] return run_input def _run_impl(self, run_input, **kwargs): """ Runs the executable with the specified input and returns a handler for the resulting execution object (:class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxjob.DXJob` or :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxanalysis.DXAnalysis`). Any kwargs are passed on to :func:`~dxpy.DXHTTPRequest`. """ raise NotImplementedError('_run_impl is not implemented') def _get_run_input(self, executable_input, **kwargs): """ Takes the same arguments as the run method. Creates an input hash for the /executable-xxxx/run method. """ raise NotImplementedError('_get_run_input is not implemented') def _get_required_keys(self): """ Abstract method used in executable_unbuilder.dump_executable """ raise NotImplementedError('_get_required_keys is not implemented') def _get_optional_keys(self): """ Abstract method used in executable_unbuilder.dump_executable """ raise NotImplementedError('_get_optional_keys is not implemented') def _get_describe_output_keys(self): """ Abstract method used in executable_unbuilder.dump_executable """ raise NotImplementedError('_get_describe_output_keys is not implemented') def _get_cleanup_keys(self): """ Abstract method used in executable_unbuilder.dump_executable """ raise NotImplementedError('_get_cleanup_keys is not implemented')
[docs] def run(self, executable_input, project=None, folder=None, name=None, tags=None, properties=None, details=None, instance_type=None, stage_instance_types=None, stage_folders=None, rerun_stages=None, cluster_spec=None, depends_on=None, allow_ssh=None, debug=None, delay_workspace_destruction=None, priority=None, head_job_on_demand=None, ignore_reuse=None, ignore_reuse_stages=None, detach=None, cost_limit=None, rank=None, max_tree_spot_wait_time=None, max_job_spot_wait_time=None, preserve_job_outputs=None, detailed_job_metrics=None, extra_args=None, fpga_driver=None, system_requirements=None, system_requirements_by_executable=None, **kwargs): ''' :param executable_input: Hash of the executable's input arguments :type executable_input: dict :param project: Project ID of the project context :type project: string :param folder: Folder in which executable's outputs will be placed in *project* :type folder: string :param name: Name for the new job (default is "<name of the executable>") :type name: string :param tags: Tags to associate with the job :type tags: list of strings :param properties: Properties to associate with the job :type properties: dict with string values :param details: Details to set for the job :type details: dict or list :param instance_type: Instance type on which the jobs will be run, or a dict mapping function names to instance type requests :type instance_type: string or dict :param depends_on: List of data objects or jobs to wait that need to enter the "closed" or "done" states, respectively, before the new job will be run; each element in the list can either be a dxpy handler or a string ID :type depends_on: list :param allow_ssh: List of hostname or IP masks to allow SSH connections from :type allow_ssh: list :param debug: Configuration options for job debugging :type debug: dict :param delay_workspace_destruction: Whether to keep the job's temporary workspace around for debugging purposes for 3 days after it succeeds or fails :type delay_workspace_destruction: boolean :param priority: Priority level to request for all jobs created in the execution tree, "low", "normal", or "high" :type priority: string :param head_job_on_demand: If true, the job will be run on a demand instance. :type head_job_on_demand: bool :param ignore_reuse: Disable job reuse for this execution :type ignore_reuse: boolean :param ignore_reuse_stages: Stages of a workflow (IDs, names, or indices) or "*" for which job reuse should be disabled :type ignore_reuse_stages: list :param detach: If provided, job will not start as subjob if run inside of a different job. :type detach: boolean :param cost_limit: Maximum cost of the job before termination. :type cost_limit: float :param rank: Rank of execution :type rank: int :param max_tree_spot_wait_time: Number of seconds allocated to each path in the root execution's tree to wait for Spot :type max_tree_spot_wait_time: int :param max_job_spot_wait_time: Number of seconds allocated to each job in the root execution's tree to wait for Spot :type max_job_spot_wait_time: int :param preserve_job_outputs: Copy cloneable outputs of every non-reused job entering "done" state in this root execution to a folder in the project. If value is True it will place job outputs into the "intermediateJobOutputs" subfolder under the output folder for the root execution. If the value is dict, it may contains "folder" key with desired folder path. If the folder path starts with '/' it refers to an absolute path within the project, otherwise, it refers to a subfolder under root execution's output folder. :type preserve_job_outputs: boolean or dict :param detailed_job_metrics: Enable detailed job metrics for this root execution :type detailed_job_metrics: boolean :param extra_args: If provided, a hash of options that will be merged into the underlying JSON given for the API call :type extra_args: dict :returns: Object handler of the newly created job :param fpga_driver: a dict mapping function names to fpga driver requests :type fpga_driver: dict :param system_requirements: System requirement single mapping :type system_requirements: dict :param system_requirements_by_executable: System requirement by executable double mapping :type system_requirements_by_executable: dict :rtype: :class:`~dxpy.bindings.dxjob.DXJob` Creates a new job that executes the function "main" of this executable with the given input *executable_input*. ''' # stage_instance_types, stage_folders, rerun_stages and ignore_reuse_stages are # only supported for workflows, but we include them # here. Applet-based executables should detect when they # receive a truthy workflow-specific value and raise an error. run_input = self._get_run_input(executable_input, project=project, folder=folder, name=name, tags=tags, properties=properties, details=details, instance_type=instance_type, stage_instance_types=stage_instance_types, stage_folders=stage_folders, rerun_stages=rerun_stages, cluster_spec=cluster_spec, depends_on=depends_on, allow_ssh=allow_ssh, ignore_reuse=ignore_reuse, ignore_reuse_stages=ignore_reuse_stages, debug=debug, delay_workspace_destruction=delay_workspace_destruction, priority=priority, head_job_on_demand = head_job_on_demand, detach=detach, cost_limit=cost_limit, rank=rank, max_tree_spot_wait_time=max_tree_spot_wait_time, max_job_spot_wait_time=max_job_spot_wait_time, preserve_job_outputs=preserve_job_outputs, detailed_job_metrics=detailed_job_metrics, extra_args=extra_args, fpga_driver=fpga_driver, system_requirements=system_requirements, system_requirements_by_executable=system_requirements_by_executable) return self._run_impl(run_input, **kwargs)
############ # DXApplet # ############ _applet_required_keys = ['name', 'title', 'summary', 'types', 'tags', 'httpsApp', 'properties', 'dxapi', 'inputSpec', 'outputSpec', 'runSpec', 'access', 'details'] _applet_optional_keys = ['ignoreReuse', 'treeTurnaroundTimeThreshold'] _applet_describe_output_keys = ['properties', 'details'] _applet_cleanup_keys = ['name', 'title', 'summary', 'types', 'tags', 'properties', 'runSpec', 'access', 'details'] def _makeNonexistentAPIWrapper(method): def nonexistentAPIWrapper(object_id, input_params=None, always_retry=None, **kwargs): raise DXError("Wrapper for " + method + " does not exist") return nonexistentAPIWrapper
[docs]class DXApplet(DXDataObject, DXExecutable): ''' Remote applet object handler. .. py:attribute:: runSpec The applet's run specification (a dict indicating, among other things, how the code of the applet is to be interpreted). See `the API docs for Run Specification <>`_ for more information. .. py:attribute:: dxapi String containing the version of the DNAnexus API that the applet should run against. .. py:attribute:: access The applet's access requirements hash (a dict indicating any nonstandard permissions, such as requiring access to the internet, that are needed by the applet). See `the API docs for Access Requirements <>`_ for more information. .. py:attribute:: title String containing the (human-readable) title of the app .. py:attribute:: summary String containing a short, one-line summary of the applet's purpose .. py:attribute:: description String of free-form text (`Markdown <>`_ syntax is supported) containing a description of the applet. The description is presented to users to help them understand the purpose of the app and how to invoke it. .. py:attribute:: developerNotes String of free-form text (`Markdown <>`_ syntax is supported) containing information about the internals or implementation details of the applet, suitable for developers or advanced users. .. automethod:: _new ''' _class = "applet" _describe = staticmethod(dxpy.api.applet_describe) _add_types = staticmethod(_makeNonexistentAPIWrapper("/applet-xxxx/addTypes")) _remove_types = staticmethod(_makeNonexistentAPIWrapper("/applet-xxxx/removeTypes")) _get_details = staticmethod(dxpy.api.applet_get_details) _set_details = staticmethod(_makeNonexistentAPIWrapper("/applet-xxxx/setDetails")) _set_visibility = staticmethod(_makeNonexistentAPIWrapper("/applet-xxxx/setVisibility")) _rename = staticmethod(dxpy.api.applet_rename) _set_properties = staticmethod(dxpy.api.applet_set_properties) _add_tags = staticmethod(dxpy.api.applet_add_tags) _remove_tags = staticmethod(dxpy.api.applet_remove_tags) _close = staticmethod(_makeNonexistentAPIWrapper("/applet-xxxx/close")) _list_projects = staticmethod(dxpy.api.applet_list_projects)
[docs] def _new(self, dx_hash, **kwargs): ''' :param dx_hash: Standard hash populated in :func:`` containing attributes common to all data object classes. :type dx_hash: dict :param runSpec: Run specification :type runSpec: dict :param dxapi: API version string :type dxapi: string :param inputSpec: Input specification (optional) :type inputSpec: dict :param outputSpec: Output specification (optional) :type outputSpec: dict :param access: Access specification (optional) :type access: dict :param title: Title string (optional) :type title: string :param summary: Summary string (optional) :type summary: string :param description: Description string (optional) :type description: string .. note:: It is highly recommended that the higher-level module :mod:`dxpy.app_builder` or (preferably) its frontend `dx build <>`_ be used instead for applet creation. Creates an applet with the given parameters. See the API documentation for the `/applet/new <>`_ method for more info. The applet is not run until :meth:`run()` is called. ''' for field in 'runSpec', 'dxapi': if field not in kwargs: raise DXError("%s: Keyword argument %s is required" % (self.__class__.__name__, field)) dx_hash[field] = kwargs[field] del kwargs[field] for field in 'inputSpec', 'outputSpec', 'access', 'title', 'summary', 'description': if field in kwargs: dx_hash[field] = kwargs[field] del kwargs[field] resp = dxpy.api.applet_new(dx_hash, **kwargs) self.set_ids(resp["id"], dx_hash["project"])
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """ :returns: Full specification of the remote applet object :rtype: dict Returns the contents of the applet. The result includes the key-value pairs as specified in the API documentation for the `/applet-xxxx/get <>`_ method. """ return dxpy.api.applet_get(self._dxid, **kwargs)
def _run_impl(self, run_input, **kwargs): return DXJob(dxpy.api.applet_run(self._dxid, run_input, **kwargs)["id"]) def _get_run_input(self, executable_input, **kwargs): return DXExecutable._get_run_input_fields_for_applet(executable_input, **kwargs) def _get_required_keys(self): return _applet_required_keys def _get_optional_keys(self): return _applet_optional_keys def _get_describe_output_keys(self): return _applet_describe_output_keys def _get_cleanup_keys(self): return _applet_cleanup_keys
[docs] def run(self, applet_input, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new job that executes the function "main" of this applet with the given input *applet_input*. See :meth:`` for the available args. """ # Rename applet_input arg to preserve API compatibility when calling # return super(DXApplet, self).run(applet_input, *args, **kwargs)